Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Accompanied Process

It’s time I fill you in.

The last three weeks have been dedicated to working and training. My job description is simple. Volunteers are to build relationships with residents as well as to keep up with the daily functionality of the building. (That’s a social worker's job description if I have ever heard one.) The staff has been welcoming and hospitable. I am quickly becoming accustomed to Scottish sarcasm. 

Finding a church home was a priority on my To Do list. I have been attending St. Paul’s and St. George’s (PsandG’s) Church the last few Sundays. It is an Episcopal church sharing a message of grace accompanied by a talented, musical band. 

I find myself thinking about time a lot lately. 

What can a year offer? I can’t get “Seasons of Love” from the musical Rent out of head. (I hope all are familiar with this song. If not, I ask you to pull up the song on Youtube or watch the film on Netflix.)  Measuring my year in cups of tea and coffee may be appropriate, however, these 525,600 minutes are much different than I’ve ever experienced before. 

Truly pondering how I am experiencing my minutes is overwhelming.I feel as though I just blinked and a month has passed. 

My journey began in Chicago. I can tell you my circle grew 73+ with 2015-2016 YAGM volunteers, alumni and ELCA staff. We dove deep into self-reflection and shared our personal stories. Leaders helped us dig into the depths of our personal experience, belief systems and conclusions. They helped us build a stronger foundation to support and sustain us through the coming year.  

How can a week be physically and emotionally draining yet completely fulfilling?  

Woven through the week was the theme, “Accompaniment.” This was defined as, “walking together in solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality. In this walk, gifts, resources and experiences are shared with metal advice and admiration to deepen and expand our work within God’s mission.” 

Living united in the community of God: family and friends back home in the states, my YAGM extended family and the people of Edinburgh is what my life is all about. 

My shoulders are tightening and my hands are hesitating as I type my thoughts about my personal faith in such an open space. I have been reminded the important lesson that my individualized faith journey is, in fact, meant to be a part of a community, shared and expressed.

I am a forgiven sinner. I have been saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. My faith has always offered comfort and guidance. Living in Scotland through YAGM offers an opportunity for me to stretch my faith. It’s finding the middle ground between religious rituals and building authentic,  spiritual relationships. 

I’ve shared some of my goals for this year. Most importantly, I want to be available, open and ready to let God work in me and through me. My intentions are pure. I have no agenda. I have no social calendar. I simply have time to be with people. This space welcomes the vulnerable and broken through a loving, Christ-filled organization that is Bethany House. 

It is an Accompanied Process. 

    (Newhaven Harbor: only a short distance from my flat.)