Sunday, August 16, 2015

So it Begins

Composing a blog is no easy task. I want to write in a way that followers hear my voice. I am nervous to sound vulnerable or unsure. Writing a travel blog does, however, give me a unique opportunity to share my experiences as I anticipate my year of service in Scotland. It provides a way for you to accompany me on this journey. Busy schedules, differing time zones and varied responsibilities for each of us can create barriers for communication. I hope this blog will create a bridge between us and connect us despite these challenges.  

Who would have thought that I would be preparing to start a year of service in Edinburgh, Scotland? 

You may have noticed I have been infected by the travel bug. I am reminded what it was like two years ago when I was preparing to move abroad to Oslo, Norway for the first time through Concordia College. Time is repeating itself as I pack my oversized suitcases as the seasons begin to change from summer to fall.

I have found it is impossible to describe to others my intense desire to stay in the presence of my family and closest friends, while at the same time, wanting to leave and explore the unknown. I am fascinated that parallel lives are existing everywhere even when I am not there to witness.This fills me with the desire to immerse myself in other cultures and lives and experience other people’s realities; their joys, struggles and beliefs. This makes me want to jump at every travel opportunity that comes my way. 

Jump may be the wrong word. I prayerfully entered into the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission selection process, not knowing the outcome. Through many conversations, interviews and more interviews, I was selected and matched with Bethany House in Edinburgh, Scotland. This is a homeless shelter and a program designed to equip its residents to move on to better opportunities. While I will function as a volunteer, I hope to use my social work training to assist these residents to do just that. 
The time has come. The best way to describe my current feelings? I’ve been strapped on a roller coster ride and it is slowly rising to the top. I am anxiously preparing to hear the click of the mechanics to begin the ride, dropping at high speeds, plummeting towards the ground. It’s the anticipation that is the worst part. 

This weekend is a blessing. Knowing my family, you are most likely aware of our closeness. Summer only amplified our family time with our lake weekends. Through many texts and phone calls, it was becoming apparent that my three sisters were not going to be able to come to the cabin due to prior commitments. I could see the worry and disappointment in Mom’s eyes. She wanted desperately to get us all together to have one last meal with everyone present. A year is a long time to wait to be together again. 

Our prayers were answered. Siri, the committed volleyball player and teammate that she is, got the ok to leave town during her busy pre-season schedule. And Leah and Maren were able to juggle their schedules to make it work for them too. I couldn’t ask for a better way to be sent off on this journey than to have one last day with my family, including Grandma and Grandpa and aunts and uncles. 

Sometimes I get the vibe from people questioning my decision to accept this year of service. I feel their eyes say things like “If you are going to miss them so much, why are you going?” or “Why put yourself through that pain and suffering?” The truth is, our closeness is what gives me the courage and strength to follow this dream. It is because of their love and support. Our bond isn’t at risk due to geography. 

While this year is going to be very different than those four and a half months I spent in Norway, I have a sense of comfort in knowing I have gone and I have come back home. I am trying to enjoy the time I get to spend in the states doing things I love with the people that matter most. 

I am reminded of the advice my brother-in-law, Dustin, said before I left for my semester in Norway. We were in the car on the way to the Fargo Country Club with decorations for Leah and his August wedding. Dustin told me to remember and hold on to the feelings of anxiousness and anticipation because in four and a half months, I am only going to want to go back and do it all over again. He was right. The semester was a dream. 

The power of hindsight is truly amazing. One of my many goals for this year is to live fully in the moment. I want to live a life of intention and purpose with the people of Edinburgh. 

So it begins.